Health Tips for Women

Health tips for women about the advantages of leading a more active, healthier and happier lifestyle and the benefits that they will get from living healthy.

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Healthy Hair

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Healthy Hair

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Healthy Hair

Olive oil is a great bet for your hair in case you need a fresh, healthier, silky and shiny hair. It can clean your hair and touch the scalp with some of is healing powers. Consumers spent money on products designed for healing damaged hair, products designed to moisturize hair, products designed to protect hair, and products designed for split ends but what the companies who manufacture hair care products do not want you to know is that the answer to all of those problems can be found in your kitchen.

The best way to get your hair healthy and strong is by using a natural method to counteract the effects of any harsh chemicals. There are various ways to naturally maintain your hair, but one you may already have in your kitchen cabinet is olive oil.

Hot Oil Treatment

Mix together half olive oil and half castor oil. You can also add hibiscus petals for a good smell if you wish. Heat up the oil to lukewarm, then apply it to your scalp and hair. Massage the oil generously for ten minutes, then wrap your hair in a steaming hot towel. This will help lock in the moisture. When done, wash your hair thoroughly.

Taking Olive Oil Orally

You can also use olive oil when cooking to bring health benefits, including prevention of hair loss. Olive oil has many, many health benefits that can be captured by using it as cooking oil, or drinking olive oil mixed with water and a dash of lemon. Olive oil helps improve digestion, makes your teeth and hair stronger and even makes your skin clearer.

Olive Oil Hair Mask

Combine half a cup of olive oil with one well-beaten egg yolk and several drops of lemon juice. You can also add lavender if you want a better scent. Put this mask on your head, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse it out. Shampoo and condition your hair as usual.

Olive Oil and Tea Tree Oil

For every three tablespoons of olive oil, add 7 to 10 drops of tea tree oil. Blend well, apply it to your scalp, and then cover your head with a shower cap or towel. Leave this on overnight, then shampoo your hair like normal in the morning. This is especially effective against dandruff, and it smells wonderful.

Cinnamon-Honey Mixture

Create a paste to put on your head that helps reduce hair loss. Heat up two tablespoons of olive oil, then add one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. You can double or triple this recipe if you have longer hair. Apply it to your hair, leave it on for fifteen minutes, then rinse it thoroughly before you shampoo your hair.

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